A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world.
Agatha Christie (1890-1976)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

They came!!

The lady bugs finally came from insect lore! RyLee was pretty happy, but only 4 larve survived the 2 day trip. :( This is something she is working on right now outside of our focus area.

The focus area feels a bit stalled for her. Weather is not permitting us to go get dirty yet!


Tina in WA said...

YEAH! I am glad they arrived.

Someone was talking at our co-op today mentioning that they (insect lore) won't send lady bugs until June. I thought you ordered some, but wasn't sure.

I will have to let them know you all recieved them and that they should try and order them as well. :o)

Can't wait to see how they grow!


Lisa~ said...

Guess what I saw today!!!!!???? A humming bird at my feeder!! I kept saying... a humming bird! A humming bird over and over... you would think my beautiful family would have been so happy for me... (snort) Nope, I get mocked! lol Some people...

Tina in WA said...

YEAH! I am so happy you saw it! I am happy for you! Doing the happy dance here. :o) LOL

DebMc said...

Lady Bugs, yay!

I love the intense concentration on her face.

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