We cam across a few familiar things.
yellow skunk cabbage:
and the
pussy willow:
One of the kids found a hornets or wasp nest. It was not occupied. *Ü*
Something we have not seen before on our nature walks were the red-dead-nettle. Scientific name is Lamium purpureum. At least this is what my conclusion is after looking over different sites and picyures online. Im not sure what the little white flowers are though.
The Red Dead-nettle is actually a weed. It has pretty little pinkish/purplish flowers on it. Come to find out, parts are even edible! Uh yuck... but then I have not tried it*Ü* and doubt that I will. I will let the ground keep this one. *Ü*
It also hailed on us as we were heading back. It cut the walk short, but as the grey clouds loomed, I really didn’t want to be out.... we almost made it back before it began! The kids got a kick out of it.
OH you found the name of the plant! You ROCK!
We had such a good time with you guys that day.
Can't wait until our next walk with you all.
I was shocked to read its edible... uh yuck! It was to pretty to be a weed, is what I thought....
Hey those ducks keep coming back. I went to take another picture of them today and they flew over RyLee and my head.... they were pretty... its funny how they keep coming back...
Oh and a few properties down... eagles! Our neighbors have chickens and the eagles are around for opportunity... They have baby chicks too and the girls got to hold them...
What’s up with the rain? Saturday was such a tease wasn’t it?
Great walk and great photos of your finds. I always like to find empty wasp nests. :)
Interesting plants you shared too...I have never seen either in person.
Thanks for the account of your day.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
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