A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world.
Agatha Christie (1890-1976)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A short walk

We live down a long road. In fact we are 1 mile back from the main road and our mailbox is 1/2 mile from our home. Walking to get the mail, RyLee picked this flower for me. This is from my nature journal.

This is called a Wake Robin. its real name is Trillium Ovatum. It is considered a wildfolower. Tri is Latin for 3 and this flower has 3 leaves, 3 petals, 3 sepals and 3 stigmas. It has 2 other names it is known for, Western Trillium and Pacific Trillium.

Its a simple yet pretty flower. It was white when RyLee picked it, but since has changed its color and added some purple to it. Sorry I didnt take a picture.

RyLee also wrote and drew this in her journal, but the pictures came out very blury. I will retake and add hers later.


Anonymous said...

VERY nice drawing.

Tina in WA said...

Nice! We need to get together again. :o)


Lisa~ said...

Thanks.. a tad boring for a post but wanted to update *Ü*

We let our ladybugs go yesterday. It was fun watching them! We printed a few things off line for her to label and color and we cut it out and placed it in her journal. Butterflies are supposed to be next, but she really wants an ant farm now! lol

Thanks for poppin in.

Tina in WA said...

Jess wants a praying mantis kit. We can't let those go up here though... And I don't need a nother container of BUGS. LOL :o)

Barb said...

Very nice nature journal entry! I think every entry is special.

(I was proud of myself because even before reading your entry I knew it was a trillium of some sort.....yahoo.)

Thanks for sharing your entry,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Lisa~ said...

Hi Barb... Its a pretty little flower... our road has quite a few, but they are not clustered... It caught our eye because they were so randomly placed.... Once RyLee picked it and we put it in water it changed color. It was a pretty lavander color....

Thanks for stopping in!

PS. The bleeding hearts that are along our road are also blooming! Finally bits of color besides green and brown!

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